Intro - Maxi-Ben's Universe



Fest der Liebe - Intro

Kantorei @ Kirchentag - Intro

Umland Ursula - Intro

Intro - Maxi-Ben's Universe
Intro-Animation for a short web series for a Verdi-Jugend campaign. -
Intro for a doc of a one hour speed-art session at Kulturpalast Wedding during the Helter Skelter III Festival (animation)
- graphics (modified) by freepik & flaticon -
Outro for a doc of a one hour speed-art session at Kulturpalast Wedding during the Helter Skelter III Festival (animation)
- graphics (modified) by freepik & flaticon -
Fest der Liebe - Intro
Intro for a doc of wedding-festival (animation)
- graphics (modified) by freepik & flaticon -
Kantorei @ Kirchentag - Intro
Intro for a short doc of Kantorei Brake at the "Kirchentag" 2016 in Berlin (animation)
- graphics (modified) by freepik, flaticon & pixabay -
Umland Ursula - Intro
Intro for a series of short docs about bike trips around Berlin (graphics & animation) -
Part of the short movie "At the window" (graphics & animation) -
Patient-Info-Video for a research group at Charite (concept, script, some graphic elements, animation, camera)
- most graphics (modified) by freepik
Video-Example for gesund.bund.de animated with AE
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Primärtumor und einer Metastase?
Video-Examples for TheSimpleClub animated with AE
Influenza – Die „echte Grippe“
Parkinson – Krankheit ohne Ursache
Krebs erklärt – gutartig oder bösartig?
Video-Examples for TheSimpleClub animated with Keynote
Bodenschätze: Verfügbarkeit & Konflikte – Rohstofflagerstätten und fossile Energieträger
Ionisierungsenergie / Ionisationsenergie
Video-Examples for TheSimpleClub animated with Prezi
Was sind Wirbeltiere – Einstieg TheSimpleShort
Bevölkerungspyramide: Altersstruktur einer Bevölkerung – Demographie 2
Was ist Agrobusiness? – Landwirtschaft in Industrieländern 3